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An Angel of Creativity is Bringing You a Whole New Vibe to Your Headphones

Writer's picture: priffepriffe

Artist CreativAngel is using his creativity with music to get his listeners to tap into their own power to create a new reality. 

Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.

Born and raised in Venezuela, CreativAngel is bringing a whole new level of energy to the game. He moved to New York City when he was 10 years old and from there, his path led to Florida. For just three years shy of a decade, CreativAngel has been creating and elevating his music and brand into what he now calls CreativUniverse.                                       

We had the pleasure of catching up with the Vibe King to get some insight into his experience and brand. By the way, things are looking, the Vibe King is headed nowhere but up.

Being from Venezuela how has your culture influenced who you are and your music?

"Being from Venezuela, that pretty much has given me the flavor of gratitude that I put in my music because I come from humble beginnings. It kinda gives me that little salsa and love for the Spanish culture. So it gives my music more flavor and more color because I was exposed to that culture so early in my life. There were so many different aspects of where I'm coming from and how I come from humble beginnings to where I'm at now. Mostly just the flavor, the sounds, and the gratitude of elevation have influenced my music as well as the positive energy that also a lot of Venezuelan people have."

How did you become CreativAngel and the VibeKing?

"So the CreativAngel, and The Vibe King came through an experience that I had. Kinda like an awakening of the fact that I have the power to co-create my reality, we all do in a sense. We have the power to co-create and manifest our reality. So CreativAngel came from that, and The Vibeking part of it was given to me by some of my business partners because every time I would come into an event or every time I would come into a meeting, I always just bring in this energy and this positive vibe. So people started calling me like Vibe, Vibe King. So becoming The Vibeking came cohesively with elevating into a state of mind where I know that I can co-create my reality and that I have the power to create my life. Also, why do I have the power to create my life? 'Cause I know how to control my vibe. I know how to control my energy. So that's why I'm The Vibeking."

What did the process of developing your brand look like, and what is the biggest piece of advice you can give to artists who are trying to do the same?

"Originally, I was just making music, always just an artist. And through pushing my music and trying to become an overall artist, I learned about the power of branding yourself and putting my brand together and having merch and having content. But the part that elevated me to the next level was putting my message into my brand, into what I wanted to say, and that message was a transfer of positive energy. I knew I wanted to make people feel great. I knew that I wanted to give positive messages to people every day. I knew that I wanted to raise people's frequencies. And I knew that that's what I wanted to do for people." 

**ADVICE ALERT: “always focus on the value that you bring individually and uniquely to people. Not everybody has the same strength and value, but at the very beginning, when you're creating a brand as an artist, what you wanna ask yourself is, "What do I bring to the people that's different? And how can my value transcend into a conversion or, a sale? Or how does my talent and mentality create these sayings and perspectives that people can relate to making a dollar? Know what's you and how you bring value and what's your strength, and use that to bring value to people and that would convert into money and that would bring more awareness to your brand.

"The structure from my brand took, I would say, I'm going on four years now since I got my LLC. The first couple of years were just laying down the foundation of T-shirts and hats as the artist, just to have merch but the second two years which was... It's been the last like 2018 and 2019 was more just solidifying the message behind the brand and how it was elevating people's frequencies. My brand's called Creative Universe, so people who have my positive vibe shirts on and, or like my positive vibes hats on and they'll be like, "Oh, yeah. That's CreativAngel's brand." So through the brand, I was building brand awareness, plus my music was streaming more because people were connecting the brand to the music as well."

COVID-19 has seriously affected the music industry, how are you as an artist making changes to adapt your brand with society’s current condition?

"We've been brainstorming about that all week. We do have the face masks that have positive energy on them. So we came out with those a couple of weeks ago at Culture Fest, and we sold out of them the first day, so we've had to restock with the masks. The reason why we did the mask was to build awareness, and obviously, to protect this world because they're really good against the wind and against different things that are around you. I was at a warehouse shooting a video the other day and it was protecting me from all the debris and dust flying around. Everybody right now is wearing masks and gloves and stuff, so we created the mask, we put their positive energy on it to spread awareness. We also included a list of natural remedies that people can use. So with every purchase, our customers get emailed the list of natural remedies. We put a list together of different things like ginger and turmeric tea, and different greens like cucumbers and things to detox and we just put that list together and sent it out to our people. We're just trying to adapt as best as we can and to help people as much as we can while still staying afloat with the business."

What keeps you elevated and inspired?

"I think gratitude to be alive and just being grateful. Especially like I said earlier, coming from a humble beginning and being able to have this freedom and these opportunities. My main driving force is my family. My mother, my father, my nieces. I do it for the family at the end of the day, so that's the main driving force that motivates me, inspires me. It inspires me one day to have a family of my own and continue the legacy of pushing the culture forward. So I'm just inspired by pushing the world forward and the culture forward and bringing positive value."

You’ve been working extremely close with Beka Bishop and the rest of 3300+Climbing, what has the experience been like for you, and what are some of the biggest ways a team can help a developing artist?

"Man, 3300's been amazing. We've been working for two months now. They pitched me through, one of my homegirls Sable Myers, or DJ Ravish. She's a dope DJ and she was part of Full Sail’s Program. That's how I got into 3300, but they've been on point with helping me organize. Beka's been great at keeping my Google calendar organized, letting me know when my meetings are taking place, when are my pop-up shops, when are my shows? What are we doing for branding, what are we doing for content? I love that they're bringing to the table what I as an independent artist needs, which is just more muscle in certain areas and that's what they're bringing. More organization to the team."

CreativAngel has had numerous performance opportunities including Diddy’s Revolt Conference, and the half-time show for the Celebrity All-Star Game at The Amway Center. These opportunities came through past performances and his close friend best known as Young Scholar. While hard work is easier said than done, CreativAngel has put in nothing less than what is needed to get where he is now. He aspires to work with Jay-Z and RocNation. The current pandemic has kept much of the world in their homes, and on April 20th CreativAngel is bringing some cool vibes to spice up your quarantine with a special EP. Since the hustle never stops, The Vibe King EP will also be available very soon. We cannot wait to see what moves CreativAngel is working to manifest in the future! If you want to catch a piece of his vibe make sure to check him out on all streaming platforms!

CreativAngel & Young Scholar - The 7 Music Video

Check out our current artist Creativ Angel on social media! You can listen to him on all streaming platforms!

Instagram: @Creativangel

Facebook: @Thevibeking

Apple Music: @Creativangel

Spotify: @Creativangel


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