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3300+ Climbing Shares Business Tips for Advice Week

3300+ Climbing was designed to be an artist development initiative. While we love focusing on one up-and-coming artist every six months (shoutout to our current artist, Sad Hippie), we also love helping everyone in the music industry to improve their skills. That’s why, once a month, we spend a week sharing various pieces of useful advice. This month, we focused on Business Advice.

Here’s a summary of what you could learn by watching our advice week videos for the month of September:

Artist Management Monday: If you’re looking to manage an artist, it’s important to trust your gut. You should develop a close relationship with your artist, in which you both trust each other and believe in each other. Finally, focus on improving your problem-solving skills and your quick decision-making.

Ticketing Tuesday: When booking shows, always be sure to give a realistic number of expected sales to all parties involved (promoters, booking agents, other artists on the ticket). Make sure the show is a successful outcome for everyone. And always track your ticket sales at each venue, so that you know which locations are more successful and which need more promotion next time you play there.

Website Wednesday: Your website is a reflection of who you are, be it as an artist, manager, businessperson, or just as a human! You can and should make it your own. But here are a few “must-have” pages to include on your website: an About Me page for your bio, musical influences, and long-term goals; a Music page for links to your singles, albums, and videos; A Touring page to show where you’re performing next; an Electronic Press Kit to send to booking agents, talent buyers, etc., which contains your bio, music, and other pertinent information all in one place to make their job easier; a Contact page so people can contact you, your manager, your agent, etc.; and a Blog page where you can talk about things that you’re passionate about outside of the music industry, such as charity work. You should also make sure you have a Subscribe button so you can get an email list going, so you can let your fans know what you’re up to or send them free downloads or merch. Looking for a way to get started? We may be a little biased, but we definitely recommend Wix J

Thorough Thursday: For Thorough Thursday, we talked about contracts. A contract is an agreement between two parties, so never sign something you don’t agree to. Read the contract thoroughly before signing, and make sure you understand what you’re agreeing to. If you’re able, have a lawyer look over the contract before you sign it. There are services available who will help you if you don’t have or know a lawyer personally. Take your time! Don’t let anyone pressure you into signing something before you’re ready and you feel confident that you fully understand and agree to what you’re signing. But with all of that said, don’t be afraid! Written contracts are incredibly important, and you should feel free to embrace them. Get it in writing!

Focus Friday: Struggling with how to achieve your biggest career goals? Try dividing them up. Take your main, long-term goal for your career, and figure out (at least) three sub goals that will lead to you achieving that main goal. Then think about, in as much detail as possible, the requirements of each sub goal. Set deadlines for your requirements and sub goals, but be realistic with yourself. (Pro-tip: your goals should all be S.M.A.R.T: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound).

Social Saturday: Your etiquette in the workplace is important no matter what industry you’re in! Be mindful of your body language at work. Are you making eye contact when speaking with your co-workers? Are you engaging in active listening? And remember to smile! It releases endorphins in your brain, and endorphins make you happy! We could all use a little extra dose of happy when we’re at work.

Be sure to leave your emotions at the door. Don’t push your ideas forward without considering the other alternatives being offered.

Be confident and consistent. You want people to know what they can expect from you so that they’ll trust you, your work, and your judgement.

Finally, never speak ill of your co-workers. They are your teammates, and you should treat them as such. Be mindful of what you say!

Skillful Sunday: We’ve all heard that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to master something. But instead of counting all the way up to 10,000, try taking it one day at a time. Practice your skills 2-3 hours a day in order to master them, while also taking part in good study habits. Use external resources. Find a mentor, or watch some tip videos (we recommend checking out the 3300+ Climbing YouTube and Instagram pages to start). And don’t compare yourself and your success to others. Trust in and love the process, and you’ll be a success.

For more advice weeks, follow us on social media!

Instagram: @3300Climbing

Facebook: @3300Climbing

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